Sunday, 28 November 2010

'Awaiting Resurrection' Painting on Silk
Easter 2004 Megan clay
'Sophia at Work' Painting on Silk Megan Clay Christmas 2003

'Cosmic Mary' Painting on Silk
Christmas 2008 Megan Clay

'Bringing My Child Out of the Wilderness Into the Land of Plenty'
Silk Painting 2002 Megan Clay

 'Chaos and Tight Structures'
Silk Painting 2002 Megan Clay

Silk Painting 2004 Megan Clay

'Triple Goddess'
Silk Painting 2004 Megan Clay

These images are copyright to the artist thank you - 
Megan Clay

 'Wisdom Consoling Grief'
Silk Painting 2004 Megan Clay

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Series of 7 paintings 1992-1994

'In The Depths Of The Divine'
Acrylic Megan Clay 1992
 I am an artist and feminist theologian studying for a PhD at The University of Winchester. My art is based in my experience as a female child and woman within the society I have been brought up and now live in. If I am to define what subject area my art sits in then it would be female subjectivity supported by a body theology narrative which is based in and is one of the multiple strands of feminist liberation theology.
These series of paintings are part of a therapeutic process of discovering the feminine language of the body which is what I would call a body narrative. This is a personal/political approach from a feminist theological perspective to explore ways of developing language for the feminine that cannot be found within the language of patriarchy.

'Tension In The Choice'
Oil Megan Clay 1993

'From The Depths And Rising'
Oil Megan Clay 1993

'The Secret'
Oil Megan Clay 1993

'Oppression, Repression, Suppression'
Oil Megan Clay 1993

Oil Megan Clay1994

'New Beginnings'
Oil Megan Clay 1994

These images and text are all copy right protected and cannot be used without the artists consent - thank you - Megan Clay